Bad management was a cause of the failure. 经营不善是倒闭的一个原因。
These problems are the result of years of bad management. 这些问题是由于多年管理不善而造成的。
The third was a bad management team. 第三个解释是糟糕的管理团队。
Bad management and poor investments caused its share price to plunge. 由于管理不善和投资失策,其股价大幅下跌。
This example underlines the consequences of bad management. 这个例子突显了管理不好的后果。
The prime cause of the trouble was bad management. Make sure not to confuse self-interest axiom and rational axiom. 造成麻烦的根本原因在于管理不善.确保不要混淆私利和理性的根本原则。
Low morale among the work force is the product of bad management. 工人干劲不足是管理不善所致。
Our company got into a lot of debt because of bad management. 因为管理不好,我们的公司欠下了很多债。
We sometimes buy companies with bad management, if that fact is more than accounted for in the price. 如果在价格上事实多过解释,我们有时会买管理团队很差的公司。
The failure of the scheme was due to bad management. 计划的失败是由于管理不善。
If a couple of real estate companies fail because of bad management practices, then they should fail, said the official. 如果个把房地产公司因为管理不善而倒闭,那么它们应当倒闭,这名官员表示。
Yes, greed is bad, and stupidity is bad, but bad management is worst of all. 是的,贪婪很糟,愚蠢也很糟,但最糟的是糟糕的管理。
The recent stream of financial failures has not only revealed institutional examples of bad finance, but in many cases has revealed bad management as well. 最近的一系列金融破产案不仅暴露了金融机构的不良金融,在很多情况下,还暴露了它们的糟糕管理。
It found that a series of bad management practices lay at the root of the problem. 委员会发现,问题的根源与一系列的管理不善有关。
Recent difficulties that seem to be due to bad management have resulted in considerable borrowing at a high rate of interest. 最近一段时间,也许是因为经营不善所带来的困难,公司借入了大量高利率资金。
We are very clear. There are some SMEs that have bad management or no real prospects, he says. 他表示:我们非常清楚。一些中小企业的管理糟糕,或者没什么前途可言。
He ran into debt because of Bad management. 他因经营不善而负债。
Bad management caused the company's ruin. 管理不当导致了公司的破产。
Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. 许多人把恶劣的经营与命运混为一谈。
Bad management is difficult to replace. 管理不善是难以取而代之的。
As Tom Stewart, the former Harvard Business Review editor and now chief marketing and knowledge officer for consultants Booz& Co, points out, the current financial crisis has its origins in plain bad management. 正如《哈佛商业评论》(hbr)杂志前主编、现任咨询公司booz&co首席营销及知识主管的汤姆斯图尔特(tomstewart)指出的那样,眼下这场金融危机的根源就是糟糕的管理。
If the issue is bad management then a buyer should run a mile. 如果问题在于管理不善,那么买家应敬而远之。
Few put up with bad management, stress, overwork, bullying, or anything else that makes us unhappy at work. 几乎每人提到差劲的管理、压力、加班或其他东西使我们工作时不快乐。
The cause may be financial hardship, loss of key personnel, bad management or an unsuitable conductor. 其中原因可能在于财力艰难、失去关键人物、管理不善或指挥家不适合。
As a result of bad management, his investment came to nothing at all. 由于管理不善,他的投资全部泡汤了。
The mistake was due to bad management. 这错误是经营不善造成的。
She had known too many businesses fold up through bad management. 企业因管理不善而倒闭的事例她知道得太多了。
The repot blames bad management. 报告把责任归咎于管理不善。
Because of bad management, this hotel is as good as ruined. 由于管理不善,这个旅馆相当于被毁了。
The good and bad management of finance will influence the reformation and development of the college directly. 财务管理工作的好坏,直接影响着学校的改革与发展。